Driver’s License Reinstatement

The Georgia Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) has made revisions to the driver’s license process as a result of an amendment to GA Law, O.C.G.A. §19-11.9.3(o). The law states that DCSS will inform delinquent noncustodial parents (NCPs) of resources that are available to them as potential alternatives to driver’s license suspension.

These license suspension options are available to any NCP who notifies DCSS about significant changes in their employment and income. They must provide verification of a new job, the loss of a job or any change in income. It is very important for the NCP to contact DCSS as soon as possible so that they will have an opportunity to explain their circumstances. They will also be encouraged to sign an Enforcement Deferral which will help them to avoid license suspension if they pay as agreed.

What is our Goal?
To reduce the number of payers whose cases are certified for license suspension and to provide the parent with outreach services as an alternative to license suspension.

One change that DCSS made to achieve this goal and to help reduce the number of cases certified for license suspension was extending the time frame for parents who are out of compliance with a child support order from 60 to 90 calendar days. This will allow NCPs on newly established cases more time to remain compliant and to avoid license suspension.

To achieve this goal, it is critical for the NCP to notify DCSS if they become unemployed or have a reduction in income. If they do, alternate payment arrangements can be made to prevent license suspension, if they pay as agreed.

GA Driver’s License Suspension Criteria and Process
Account balances on all NCP active cases must be equal to or greater than the total monthly child support due for the previous three months (90 calendar days). Additionally, the total payments for the last 105 days must be less than three times the total of all monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, or semi-monthly support amounts due on all active NCP cases.

The timeframe for parents who are out of compliance with a child support order has been extended from 60 to 90 calendar days. This gives a parent more time to come back into compliance when they become unemployed or underemployed. Some parents may be eligible to enroll in the Fatherhood Program as an alternative to administrative license suspension. When that happens, DCSS will also review the case to determine if the case qualifies for a review and modification of the support order.

License Suspension Release Options:
If your license is suspended or you received a Notice of Intent to Deny or Suspend, you may contact DCSS to select the most appropriate option and sign an Enforcement Deferral to have your license suspension released or avoid suspension. Other options include:

DCSS Mobile App QR Code

DCSS Mobile APP QR Code

The GA DCSS On the Go app provides easy and secure access to your child support account on the go. Driver’s license release options are available on the app.

Driver's License Reinstatement - Georgia Department of Driver Services

Driver's License Reinstatement- DDS

Call the Georgia Department of Drivers Services (DDS) Contact Center at 404-657-9300. Then, press "1" to check the status of your Georgia driver’s license or press "2" to speak with a representative of the DDS Contact Center.

  1. Online at after creating an account.
  2. Mail in a payment at the reduced rate of $25 to the Georgia Department of Driver Services Validation Unit at P.O. Box 80447, Conyers, GA 30013. All checks, money orders, and cashier's checks should be made payable to the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS).
  3. Pay by credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover) to the same address. You must include a completed Credit Card Authorization Form.
  4. Hand-deliver a $35 payment to the Georgia DDS Customer Service Center Reinstatement Location. For locations and normal business days, visit Choose a location nearest to you, but only one that offers “Full Reinstatements.