If Medigap plans are standardized, why do some insurance companies charge more?

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Seniors checking different prices from insurance companies.

Medigap plans are essentially the same, but some insurance companies charge more than others for the same plan G. As you recall, Medicare supplemental plans (Medigap) are regulated so plans with the same letter have the same core benefits and doctor network regardless of which insurance company sells them. Learn why some insurance providers charge more for identical Medigap policies.

Find out why some Medigap providers charge more than others

The Bottom line for Medigap Pricing

A more expensive Medigap plan does not mean it has more coverage than a less expensive plan with the same letter. Do not buy the most expensive Medigap plan G because you think you are getting better coverage. You might get an added gym membership but you will not get more (or less) Medical Coverage.

Please consider the date when this article was first published. Medicare and Medicare insurance product information are subject to change. Visit Medicare.gov or search our article database for our most recent updates.