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Louisburg Magnet High School emphasizes a specialized theme focused on STEM education using the engineering design process and Project Based Learning. It is our mission to provide students with the ability to be innovative thinkers while learning in an engaging hands-on learning environment that will help them cultivate career and college interest and opportunities. All Franklin County schools, including magnet/choice schools, follow a curriculum prescribed by the State. Magnet/choice schools, however, provide unique opportunities for in-depth study and enrichment experiences in specific areas of interest such as math, science, the arts, technology, etc. STEM experiences are taught using the Engineering Design Process and Project Based Learning which greatly expand a student's exposure to particular areas of interest beyond those available in other schools.

How do you choose the right magnet/choice program?

Choosing the right magnet program is important. Some parents select a program based on their child's special interests, talents and abilities. Others base their choices on the recommendations and experiences of friends with a child already in a program. It is very important for parents to visit the schools they are considering to see the programs first and before making a final decision. Schools schedule open houses and tours during the application period and at other times also. To take advantage of these opportunities, call the school for dates and times.

Do families pay tuition to attend magnet/choice schools?

No. There is no tuition for students whose parents live in Franklin County. Occasional costs that may occur during the year would be similar to those in any other school. Technology, equipment and/or the unique instructional strategies not available in other schools are funded by the school system.
Applications from students whose domicile is outside Franklin County will not be considered.

Who is eligible to apply?

Students who are Franklin County residents are eligible to apply.

ECHS - rising 9th graders. LMHS - grades 8-12th may apply.

Is transportation provided for magnet/choice students?

FCS will provide transportation for magnet/choice students who are county residents.

Do magnet/choice parents have special obligations?

If a child is accepted into a magnet/choice program, and the student is registered at the magnet/choice school, the parent is making a commitment to keep their child in that program for one full school year. Also, magnet/choice parents and guardians are expected to play an active role in their child's education. Magnet/choice students are expected to have good attendance and to arrive at school on time. Excessive unexcused tardies and/or absences could cause the student's magnet/choice placement to be rescinded.

Important Dates