At ACE HEALTHCARE, our services are tailored to match the preferences and needs of each individual client. We recognize that no two clients are the same and we do our utmost best to meet the personal needs of each client. We are highly flexible and we work to establish a care plan and schedule that best meets each person’s needs.
Skilled nursing and personal care services provided under GAPP include:
Georgia Pediatric Program is a Medicaid/Katie Beckett program that provides FREE or AT NO COST services to medically fragile children under the age of 21 in need of skilled nursing care and personal care support, in their homes. Services are approved based on the child’s medical needs, and families who are eligible for Medicaid can apply for GAPP at any time.
Yes. Katie Beckett Waiver, or Deeming Waiver, is an eligibility category for Medicaid for children under the age of 18. The Katie Beckett Waiver takes parents’ income out of the picture and bases the decision on the child’s needs. If the child qualifies for the Katie Beckett Waiver, they become eligible for services available under the regular state Medicaid plan.
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Skilled nursing and personal care services provided under GAPP include: