Greenhand FFA Degree Requirements
for Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Members
To earn the Greenhand FFA Degree from the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Chapter, youmust comply with all of the following requirements:
1. You are regularly enrolled in an Agricultural Education class.
2. You know and can explain the FFA colors.
3. You know and can explain the FFA salute.
4. You know and can explain the FFA motto.
5. You must have recited the FFA Creed and received a 80% grade assessment or higher on each paragraph.
6. You must be familiar with the Chapter Program of Activities.
7. You must be able to describe the FFA emblem and it's symbols.
8. You must own an Official FFA Manual.
9. You must pledge to uphold the high ideals of the FFA.
10. You must have started to take part in chapter activities and contribute to their success.
11. You must have or be planning a satisfactory supervised agricultural experience program for the current year.
12. You must score an 75% or higher on the FFA test.
13. You have a basic knowledge of the history of the National FFA Organization, Ohio FFA Association and the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Chapter.
14. You must have passed your Agricultural Education class for the first grading period and currently be passing the class.